Thursday 1 September 2011

be or not to be : mediocre

when i show that boy again with his royal en-field and again new girl , i really felt very much envious, see i am not telling i felt envious because i dont have girlfriend but the reason was, same boy with too many girls, its not fair, than thought came in to my mind why the hell i am mediocre i dont try anything at extreme, just always try to be mediocre because its safe but gain ?, mediocrity is like disease which dont kills but dont let you live with full pleasure it is like constant irritating thorn in your leg. what are the advantages of being mediocre, nothing ,,i am telling you nothing, in mediocrity there are rules that you never loose because whatever you get you feel proud that you got it,so mediocrity never creates hunger for the winning true winning true excellence, true spirit, fun of living on the edge. if all the great person might have thought in same mediocre manner than we could not have evolved ever, because  guy from the ancestral ape might never have tried anything except eating and hunting and reproducing, they might have thought why we need to take more tension just live it,,this "just" is always a precursor cell for cancer of mediocre thought.

Thursday 25 August 2011

gift your self a book : flipkart..

initially when i used to search some books on net, when i google the name for a particular book  before 2007 i always find link, with some relieve that i  have found the book when i see the price in $ and also they dont ship it in india for free, i always felt there should be something like this for india, and suddenly one day a site came and my quench for book search(sometimes reading also :)) ends, its really amazing website where you can find almost all the books related to all subjects approximately 4 million titles available online. and its fun to just go through all the books search any author search any subject you will find books ranging from classical work to recent stories , all the item on a single platter and that too in reasonable price. USP for is there easy book search, suggestion for books, reasonable price comapare to market authentic books(no piracy), it had created a kind of virtual library where you can search for the title of your interest read review about book and if you find it interesting order it, and in two days (if available otherwise maximum 5 to 6 days) you will have it in nicely packed , you will really like it to open the new book with typical smell(i personally like this smell, dont know about the choice of your odorant receptor) of new printed pages. and you will fill very good because you have gifted yourself a book(feelgood factor can logarithmically increase if some one gifts you) and that too in just few clicks, 
     till now you might have felt i was paid by the for advertising which is not true(i dont mind if any of the flipkart owner want to..) but i really wanted to write something about one of my favourite website and i did it,,,( actually i wanted a topic to write something because i just opened my blog and first thing came in my mind to write about flipkart,,i am loving it...)